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Decision 2024

3rd District congressional candidate struggles to stay on the ballot

Alright then! So we do know who's on first, second, and third! It's our Founding Fathers and not a bunch of professional political operatives trying to dominate and control a party apparatus.


For Immediate Release:

Contact: Michael LaPierre 

(864) 420-3290

South Carolina's 4-Tiered Residency Requirement Strategy


If I couldn't laugh at the mess we currently have with the State of South Carolina's CANDIDATE residency requirement debacle, I would burst into tears for such gross stupidity.

We "effectively" have a 4-tiered approach to disenfranchising the voters and candidates in South Carolina. Let me explain:

In tier number 1, we have those citizens and candidates who believe that the U.S. Constitution of the United States of America, the 14th Amendment, and the South Carolina Constitution (which all point back to the design of our Founding Fathers) should set the tone for what constitutes the requirements for someone running for the U.S. House of Representatives.

In tier number 2, we have those citizens and candidates who believe that the South Carolina Code of Laws (State Law) should be the driver of what good residency policy for candidates might look like (Title 7 Section 7-13-40).

In tier number 3, we have those citizens and candidates who believe that the SCGOP "homespun" party rules should take precedence over the laws of our land relating to what good candidate residency policy should be. You know, the rules and more rules and exponentially more rules that the SC Republican Party wants to claim as the governing edifices (complex system of beliefs) that would be best to employ.

Then, in tier number 4, based on a recent Post and Courier article, the South Carolina Election Commission spokesperson basically throws up his hands and agrees with everyone. He states, "there's no residency restriction on running for or holding congressional office besides living in the state. But parties can freely add their own additional requirements for candidates." Say what?

So, in other words, you are right, and you also are right! What do we have here? A rerun of "Fiddler on the Roof" where everyone is right?

Let me say this with the utmost confidence. As a former "Strategist of the Year" at a $65 Billion Fortune 50 Company, the message that we are sending to our customers (our great citizens and candidates) is putrid and other-worldly.

I am hoping and praying that we can clean this communication mess up soon. We are disenfranchising and confusing voters, twisting candidates into pretzels by not knowing who's on first, what's on second, and how did I get to third?

Let us boil our go-forward candidate residency policy down to bite-sized chunks where everyone can understand it.

Wait a minute, I have a great idea! What about the U.S. Constitution?

1. Must be 25 years old

2. Must have lived in U.S. 7 years

3. Must be resident of the State

Alright then! So we do know who's on first, second, and third!

It's our Founding Fathers and not a bunch of professional political operatives trying to dominate and control a party apparatus.

Sarah Teibert
Media Coordinator
Michael LaPierre for US House for SC District 3
p: 864-280-9552

"Reclaiming America Without Fear"